Time for a little chit-chat about the letter to Titus.

Dear Church, Time for a little chit-chat about the letter to Titus. Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we gather in part of the warmth of our faith, I am compelled to share with you the profound insights and blessings found in the letter to…read more.

A vital aspect of our faith is caring for those within our midst.

Dear Beloved Church, It is with a heart overflowing with love that I write to you today, my cherished brothers and sisters in Christ. First and foremost, let us remember the essence of our faith—love. Love is the foundation upon which the Church stands. Just as a sturdy tree grows from a tiny seed, so…read more.

Legalism in your church

Lately, I’ve been approached by people questioning if their church leans toward legalism. My reply hasn’t been a direct yes or no. Instead, I offer some factors for them to consider and gauge for themselves. 1. Rigid Adherence to Rules: The church emphasizes strict adherence to man-made rules and regulations, elevating them to the same…read more.

Farmer’s Strength

Hey Church family! A couple of weeks back, I got to dive into the joy of exploring biblical gentleness in one of my sermons. Someone was so excited about an illustration I used that they asked for a transcript! So here it is for all of you to enjoy too! In the heart of Oklahoma…read more.

It’s important to remember that it’s okay not to be okay.

To the Church facing the challenge of depression, As a pastor, I’ve seen various challenges in people’s lives, and what I’ve learned is that Jesus comprehends where you’re at, even when the rest of the world may not. Whether it’s a daunting medical diagnosis, a significant financial setback, an impending unattainable deadline, a broken relationship,…read more.

The remarkable journey of Eric Layton

Dear Church Family, Today is a day to share some uplifting news. In an era marked by judgment in the church and a scarcity of grace for Christ’s followers, let me introduce you to the remarkable journey of Eric Layton. I first encountered Eric on a street corner during a vibrant First Friday event. There…read more.

Let’s demystify grace

Dear friends of the church, I write to you today with a message of love and understanding, seeking to make the profound concept of grace more accessible to your hearts. The more you comprehend the kindness and mercy of God, the more your love for Him grows, and your desire to serve Him deepens. First,…read more.